hepy gler uhh awinie..
hurm,today sume cm bese jew..
awal pg ad fotoshoot fo mjlah skowla..
then g msok klas...
kononnye nk msok class la td
tp suddenly ta jdi ble tringat pasal pn jijum..hehe.
so ktorg pon g la follow mama shida spnjang psekolahan..
tlg dye membwa brg2..haha..(jadi kuli x bgaji..)
bergowsip sepanjag pg..haha
then,blik skowla dpt text from miz polar..
'cik..blik t tnggu kt bus stop ye..'
fyka,lynda,mell n dila tnggu polar kt bus stop..
then bile polar n encik da smpi ktorg grak g mcD..
huhu..lawak ciot..
asyik gelak je spnjang perjalanan..
shingga blik pon kami msih trtawa lg...
thnks encik fo de ice cream
and thnks to fo spending ur time wif us..
thnks..thnks..thnks a lot
fo lynda,mel,farahin,adila,madan and naz..
im havin a great day wif u all..
p/s:ohh gosh...forgot to take a book from syefril before goin back home...haish..
1 comment:
awat mcm kenal sgt je org yg kat dlm gambr tu??
rasa mcm penah tgk la before..
deja voo ker..??
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