Random Say From Writer

I need some hotstuff!!! :P

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


You're the Best!
Well,i've done read diz novel till chap 6...huuhu.. hve 8 chap left... hehe... so far, it was a very superb english novel that i've read..(lgpon this was the first one kot novel english yg ak pnah bce...haha)..uhh ya,si kembar teach me many word fo today..then they borrowed me their BESTA.. haha.. thnx dear...
Eh,early morning,mase tgh jln nk g skowla da jupe mel..
polar tido umah mel smlam..then they hve to walk about half way to school..haha..polar merungt uh...
sbarla polar t kurus ckit..haha...
After assembly,ad meeting kt blik gerakan..Pn.Julia n Pn.Rohaiza talked bout kem n stuff...uhhh...actly,im very lazy nohhh...but i've too..then,during meeting ckgu bg skeping kertas utk di isikn komen2 ttg kem tuh..so,i juz let my pen hovered over the paper...tah pape tah ak carut2 kt situ...ak komen mcm2..haha....
OMG,here the story goes,lpas sume org antar kertas tuh,ckgu pilih yg mane 1 ckgu brminat nk bce...ooopss..
GUESS WHAT???really bad fo me...kertas yg terpilih tuh kertas ak laa.....huhhhhh..dala ak bnyak kutuk2 program tuh..ishh..thnx god,nsib bek ak x tulis name kt paper tuh..haha..eh btw,rmi bdk sokong ape yg ak tulis tuh..mkanan x sedap n kotor then,mood chegu tuh x bek..haha..tp,menyesal pulak nohhh..*sorry chegu!!bhahaha...
Kemudian,balik ke kelas dan blaja sperti biasa...ad late class la pulok..duhhhh!
Yeah,its tyme to back home...pulang...pulang bersama rakan2...haha...
arrived home around 3.30 and started reading de novel n blogging..haha
*ouhhh...ive done in chap 8..6 chap left..lets countdown..haha

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